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Save Money On Spares

Whatever your profession, it’s fairly obvious by now that the effects of the global economic downturn are going to be felt for quite some time. This uncertainty means that everyone would do well to cut their costs whenever possible, but unfortunately running a 4×4 vehicle is something that is becoming more and more expensive regardless.

These increasing costs have lead many people to give up on the whole idea of owning an off-road vehicle, instead opting to trade in their gas-guzzling beast for small shopping cars that burn less petrol and won’t leave their owners smarting from the new environment-centric road tax bands. The sad thing is that many of these people could have afforded to keep their off road vehicle if they had just followed one of several easy cost cutting measures.

The first of these is to source any spare parts for repairs from a beakers yard such as CWS 4×4. These yards specialise in Land Rover spare parts and 4×4 vehicles in general, and although most of them have come from wrecked cars, the individual parts themselves are nearly as good as new. This means that you not only save on the ludicrous premiums often charged by the garages in official dealerships, but you are doing your bit by recycling as well! A healthier planet and a healthier wallet – what more do you want?

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