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Preparing for an intercontinental 4×4 journey

Perhaps due to the popularity of various rallies including the Paris Dakar and the altogether more budget Mongol Rally, more people are becoming drawn to endurance off road adventures.  Whether for the benefit of a charity or simply the thrill of it, there are few more thrilling experiences that travelling off road, away from civilisation.  When you depend on your vehicle you need it to keep running and to be able to fix it when it inevitably falters.  Fortunately if you decide to take a Land Rover Defender you stand a very good chance of being able to keep it running no matter what.  It is a vehicle utilised by the military since the 50s.  It has also been tested off road daily in agriculture, forestry and by the emergency services.

In the case of a rally or a large intercontinental journey, you can’t rely on spare parts or a recovery service.  When you grind to a halt with, engulfed in a plume of steam and smoke, you will probably have to roll up your sleeves and solve the issue for yourself.  If you’re on a busy route a helpful passerby may stop to help, but it should not be depended on.  Although you can improvise a lot of patch ups with bits of old pipe, wire and grips, when your drive shaft gives in you’ll need a spare.  Likewise, valve, exhaust manifold sections and gasket spares are easily carried and can keep you vehicle plodding on.  No-one would recommend carrying a replacement gearbox or engine, how would you even fit one without a well equipped shop?

At CWS we specialise in Land Rover Parts of all kinds.  When you’re working on a shopping list of the parts you’ll want to carry as spares be sure to book mark our site and save our phone number.  Our prices and the quality of our parts are hard to fault and we will probably have a suggestion for you the spare parts we’d include in our cachet.

Call on +44 (0)1458 834930 8.00-5.30 Monday to Friday 8.00-3.00 on Saturdays to talk to one of our well trained and friendly staff.

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