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Land Rovers in Movies (Part Four) – New Bond, Classic Cars

Much like Bond himself, our work is never done. In our continuing series, we’ve been looking, chronologically, at the many faces of British secret service officer James Bond and the awesome collection of Land Rovers which have featured in the franchise. After Roger Moore’s departure following the so-so A View to a Kill – have you ever met anyone who claimed it was their favourite 007 film? – a new Bond was needed.

It came in the form of brooding Shakespearean actor Timothy Dalton, who brought to the role sheer intensity and tortured darkness. Given how well Daniel Craig has been received, we can only say that Dalton’s interpretation was well ahead of its time.


However, Dalton only starred in two Bond films. Disappointingly, his final outing as the super-spy, Licence to Kill, featured none of those glorious Land Rovers we love so much. Being set in America, viewers were, instead, treated to a series of forgettable Fords, Dodges and Lincolns. As for his debut as Bond, James Bond…


The Living Daylights

The Living Daylights has one of the best pre-credit sequences in the whole series, with MI6 agents on a training mission on the Rock of Gibraltar. And what do our security forces drive? A 1971 Land Rover 88 Series III, of course. Although the tragic end of the Land Rover, as it crashes off the edge of a cliff and explodes, leaves a hole in our heart.


It seems the British Government has a soft spot for Landys. Another puts in an appearance, patrolling the grounds of a secret government safe-house where Bond is briefed by his superiors. Keen-eyed viewers will notice precisely what Land Rover this is – a brand-new 1986 Land Rover Range Rover Classic, released just a year before the film was made. Near the end of the scene, when the safe-house is attacked, guess who rides to the rescue and saves Bond? Yep, that beautiful Landy.

Two more Land Rovers appear in the film, both disguised as Russian 4×4 models. The first was the now familiar 1971 Land Rover 109 Series III, armoured and driven by the Red Army through Afghanistan. The other was an open-top Land Rover 90 from 1984, frantically driven by Bond Girl Maryam D’Abo at the end of the film, and the secret agent himself. Well, he does have style, so only the best 4x4s will do.


As usual for us, the vehicles in James Bond always steal the show. We love every aspect of 4x4s and Land Rovers, so if you’re looking for Land Rover spares for your own Landy, we can definitely help. Contact us on 01458 834930 and our professional staff will be happy to assist.

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