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Driving Smart This Autumn

At CWS 4×4 we may be well into our offroading and provision of high quality Range Rover parts, but at this time of year it also pays to be vigilant when tackling the on-road driving. With the shortening of the days and the darker, chillier nights, there are all sorts of extra hazards and issues that can arise throughout autumn that seemed a million miles away through the carefree summer months.

With the unpredictability of the weather and the increasingly wet and slippy road surfaces, there are many aspects of your driving that will shift with the season. Being vigilant is essentially the name of the game, but if we’re being more specific you can do the following to help make your autumnal driving that little bit safer.

Watch the Weather

The first thing to consider is the weather. It’s around this time of year that the weather not only becomes more unpredictable, but it actually starts to become that little bit more extreme. We can start to begin to expect reports of snow on the way, and while many of them never come to fruition, it pays to be prepared. Make sure you have the appropriate weather tools in your arsenal to help deal with the more extreme cases, and if all else fails play it safe and stay in with a hot chocolate!

Take Care For Glare

You’ll know firsthand just how blinding the glare on the road can be. With the rainy weather encroaching little by little each day you are going to become very well acquainted with your visor; make sure that you keep some sunglasses in your glove box because they are bound to come in handy! The morning is a beautiful time to drive in autumn with the fresh glow and glisten of the dew, but the sun hanging low can make it very difficult to see, so be prepared.

Leave the Leafs

Of course you’re going to be equipped with the knowledge to handle potential off-road situations, but when it comes to road driving, you can potentially take the super-control of the 4×4 for granted. So, when you’re driving just keep a vigilant eye out for wet leaves as these tinkers can be just as bad as standing water for spinning out or causing you to lose control.

You can’t be too safe when you’re driving, but that is ever-true when it comes to autumn. With foliage and the weather being potential problems throughout the season, just make sure that your head is constantly in the game! If of course you find that your 4-wheeled friend is in need of a little TLC after an autumnal tumble, then get in touch with the team over at CWS. We are always eager to help get you and your 4×4 back on the road! So give us a call and contact us on 01458 834930!

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