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4×4 vs. pick-up part 2

In our last blog we tried to settle the age-old argument; pick-up truck or 4×4, and found that there was just too much for one article. Here at CWS 4×4 we’re not ones for quitting though, and we are back now with part 2 to give you a conclusive choice between the two. As one of the leading suppliers of Land Rover Spares and other 4×4 spares we talk to many people that are torn between the two, and have heard every possible argument either way.

In this blog we’re going to look at one of the biggest factors in buying a new workhorse of a car, practicality. We’ve all been there; you’re going away in an hour but your car boot just won’t accommodate all of your essentials. It’s fair to say that practicality is vital when choosing a new car. Both 4x4s and pick-up trucks are both known for their practicality, but the question is, ‘which is the most practical?’

How many people can they carry?


If practicality is what you need then there’s no doubt that a 4×4 should be pretty high on your car shopping list already due to the flexibility that they offer in terms of passenger seating.  If you want a 4×4 with 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or even 12 seats then there is an option out there for you.  If you have a large family, a lot of friends or even just a large dog then the practicality that these cars offer is indispensible.

Pick-up truck

Unfortunately this is where the pick-up truck loses ground, as the upper limit for seats in these is 5, and you can’t even put the dog in the boot as it is of course exposed. If 5 seats are enough then this may still be the option for you, but who doesn’t want more seats?

How much stuff can you put in the boot?

Pick-up truck

Do you often transport dirty, messy or very heavy cargo? Then the bed of a pick-up is undoubtedly the best place for it. They are classed as a commercial vehicle and are designed for transporting heavy loads; many pick-ups are even designed to be able to carry pallets. One issue that may worry pick-up truck owners is the fact that the cargo is exposed to the elements and any potential thieves whilst in the back of the truck.


Whilst they don’t have the unlimited headroom of a pick-up bed, the back of a practical 4×4 such as a Land Rover Discovery is an overwhelmingly practical place. With most models now giving you the ability to lower all the seats they become almost like a van. They are perfect conveyances for valuable or delicate items, as they keep them away from the elements and the sight of any potential thieves.

So it’s still a difficult decision, but after coming into this final round a touch ahead and losing no ground to the pick-up in this blog the overall prize has to go to the good old 4×4. They really are the most practical option out there, and if you want something that provides compromise-free motoring then you will never be disappointed with one.

If you are already the proud owner of a 4×4 that needs a little TLC then don’t hesitate to contact us on 01458 834930 and our friendly staff will be happy to help.

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